Workshop on Child Development: The Roles of the Family and Public Policies

The aim of this workshop is to highlight frontier theoretical and empirical knowledge about the linkages between child development, public policies, and the family.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


torsdag 3. august 2017, kl. 09:00 - fredag 4. august 2017, kl. 16:00


Munkebjerg Hotel, Vejle


Marianne Simonsen

We are pleased to invite you to submit papers for and indicate interest in participation in the upcoming interdisciplinary workshop “Child Development: The Roles of the Family and Public Policies”. The workshop will take place at Munkebjerg Hotel near Vejle on August 3-4, 2017.


Confirmed speakers are:

Heather Foran, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Mari Rege, University of Stavanger

Maya Rossin-Slater, University of California, Santa Barbara

The aim of this workshop is to highlight frontier theoretical and empirical knowledge about the linkages between child development, public policies, and the family. We take a broad view on public policies but definitely encourage submissions that investigate policies or interventions aimed directly at the child as well as those targeted other family members or the family as a whole. We also encourage studies that analyze behavior within the family, including sibling spillovers. A broad selection of topics fit in this general framework, ranging from the importance of early family support, health care, and childcare to the consequences of the quality of the family environment as such.

A special issue of Labour Economics on the conference theme will be published under the Guest Editorship of Mari Rege (University of Stavanger) and Marianne Simonsen (Aarhus University).

We encourage presenters of papers that comply with the general aims and scopes of the journal to submit their papers to the Labour Economics special issue. If you wish to participate and submit a paper, please contact Mette Vad Andersen ( no later than May 1, 2017. Note that only full-length papers will be considered. We expect to include 10-15 papers in the final program.

Participation is limited to 40. Participation and hotel (August 3-4) is free of charge, but travel expenses must be covered by participants. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.




Scientific committee:

Nabanita Datta Gupta, Aarhus University

Hanne Kronborg, Aarhus University

Marianne Simonsen, Aarhus University

Tea Trillingsgaard, Aarhus University

Miriam Wüst, The Danish National Centre for Social Research


Financed by TrygFonden's Centre for Child Research